135x19mm Spotted Gum Decking Feature Grade

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135x19mm Spotted Gum Decking Feature Grade


Please call us to confirm the availability of the products before visiting the store. Prices may vary depending on the product and other features. Prices are exclusive of GST.

$12 Per Linear Meter.

  • Spotted Gum is a very popular Australian. Hardwood for decking and flooring.
  •  It has a widely variable grain pattern rich in reds and browns
  •  Highly durable timber smooth dressed all round so you can choose which side you’d like to face upwards.
  •  Size is 135mm x 19mm and comes in random length
  • 900-3.0m average length
  • A good quality oil applied annually will help to preserve the colour.

Note: Prices are exclusive of GST.


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    * input to one decimal place

    * 0 to 500

    * 0 to 100


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